October 30, 2018

The Day The Soul Chooses To Leave....

I so love that this message came through in channeling, because so many times, with my gift of clairaudience, I hear the loved ones of people just trying to let them know that everything happened as it was meant to. So many times we harbor on "what could I have done?" "Maybe if I answered the phone," or "maybe if I stopped in to say hello..." We can eat ourselves alive with these "what-ifs." You must understand each soul has a journey. The day that soul chooses to return to God is a blessed day, no matter how it happens.  And yes, it was always a choice of that soul. To us, here on Earth, we perceive death as a bad thing. We miss their human bodies, but in truth there is no greater state to be in, than back in the spiritual realm of Heaven. This is the painful place. This is where we face "challenges" and feel "pain" and "do bad things," this is where the action is. Upon taking our last breath we return to the state of pure joy- where ONLY love and joy resides. Please sit in that- the knowing of the journey, the timing and the continuation of the perfect soul.

October 29, 2018

The Challenges you overcome in this life affect future lives....

This message came through during channeling, but also in one of Laura's Past Life Regression classes as well as in a dream.  It may have been my 4th PLR group of hers, where my main angel working with me at the time showed me THE SAME LIFE I've gotten like three times. I was VERY frustrated, (my soul is strong and sassy- nothing like my timid ego in this life) stomped my foot and asked the Angel, "Why am I getting this life again? Everyone else is getting amazing lives!! Why do you keep showing me this same one?!" and the Angel lovingly answered, "The lesson from this life is still relevant for where you presently are in this life. If you do not get the lesson in this life, it will affect the development of your soul for future lives." I sank. I did know that. I'm to be brave and speak my truth. That's what the lesson was from this life I'd been presented with for the third time.

Two nights after this group meeting I had a dream where I was forced to stay in a convent of sorts. I know it was me in a future life (If I choose in this life to stay a weak victim) only I looked different. One of my most dearly beloved friends, whose lesson is the same as mine, to not be a coward but to be brave,  was with me in the convent. In this future life that person was a girl and we were as close as sisters. We immediately grew very close and were victims together, trapped in this house where we were treated like slaves. Eventually in that life I was shown that I was brave enough to hand a piece of paper to a passerby, asking her to please forward this note to the Media, asking them to expose the truth behind the walls of this convent. In doing so, I finally used my voice and was brave.

I was shown that future life to show me that in the future the lesson will be harder. I will literally be trapped and forced to stay.  I can choose to learn the lesson now, in which I will become brave and the future for my soul will change. Or I can accept things as they are and affect my future lives.

Such is the lesson for us all. I do not believe we have "weaknesses" only parts of us where we need to turn to God, Spirit, our Angels to help us overcome our challenges. And when we do that, turn to our Divine Spirit team, we can become who we are meant to become. We will change the course our souls will take in future lives.

We need only face the "challenges" with joy in our hearts.

You are able to do so much more than you understand. You are able to change everything you "dislike" about yourself. You need only ask for help and it will be so.

The Amount of Negativity That Exists...

We must remember we came to feel all of the feels. This is where we agreed, collectively, to experience good and bad.

October 22, 2018

Channeling "Knowledge" by Crystal Phillips

This is my account of the 2nd time Laura put me under hypnosis. We spent the entire day together, and I believe this time I was under for around 2 hours.  As usual we prayed for our angels to protect us and asked that only beings of the Light come forward. I went deep very quickly once we started. 

My head felt like a large counter, and whomever wanted to, could come and speak. I felt paper thin- I could observe, but wasn’t really thinking my thoughts like the first time.

A presence came forward rather quickly, yet with great elegance and calm. This presence presented itself as “Knowledge” Heavily female, that exuded peace and love. She presented her information VERY quickly, where I felt my body was clumsy, like a 70’s Apple Macintosh and unable to handle the speed with which she presented the information. Imagine DSL coming through a dial-up connection.  I remember feeling my tongue trip as she tried to get the information out. At one point Knowledge did adjust her speed to meet my slow body. She even said, ‘Excuse me, I had to adjust myself” and her words flowed out of my mouth easier after that. 

I couldn’t feel my breathing so labored as it was the first time Laura and I went under. Breathing came very naturally, where last time it felt “The All” was putting a lot of energy into making the machine of my body breathe and operate as normal.

This time was different as well in that I was connected to Laura. I could feel EVERYTHING she was feeling. When she was doing her job as a hypnotherapist, her aura was very strong and felt like it was shaped like an egg. Sometimes though, when she would ask a question for personal reasons, her aura would cave into itself, and its shape would change into a lima bean. Near the end, Knowledge seemed to call her out on her $hit- not to demean Laura- only lovingly and assertively point out her humanness- her ego, if you will. I remember Knowledge made it a point to remind us to always be mindful of the seeds of our intentions. Are we asking for things for selfish gain (ego) or are we asking for things for the greater good? (as our soul would want us to do) When Knowledge did this, I could feel Laura’s energy shift to two tall, rigid triangles. Imagine those wood blocks everyone plays with as a toddler. Get two of those triangles and put them together at a point- when Laura got “defensive” of her ego, her energy shifted to that shape. Hard and rigid. This I found very interesting as in the past hypnotherapy sessions I’ve been in, I’ve never been connected to the therapist before like that. 

At the end, when Laura started slowly bringing me back, I did feel “Knowledge” was rolling her eyes at the fact that Laura could bring me back quickly, as opposed to slowly. “Knowledge” was giggling when all of a sudden I felt a HUGE surge of energy- as if my tailbone area opened up like a large four-inch circle and my soul was being SPED back into my body. I felt myself filling my body up very quickly, even my mind coming online quickly. Not like the first time, where it felt my soul was carefully and slowly filling up my body. This was lightening fast and I immediately had to use the restroom. I stood up quickly and was fine, not dizzy. The first time it seemed to take me a while to “come online.” When I would look at Laura, there would be 10 of her, as my eyes tried to get used to seeing and focus on her again. But this one I was able to function and ‘return to the room’ at lighting speed- which was perfect given that Knowledge operated at lightning speed as well.

As Laura brings me back up, and “Ego-Crystal” is coming back online I aways pray for God to show us signs in the physical world that we’re not making this stuff up. Synchronicities, if you will. Well man did God show us in a big way this time!!! At my house I found an old Edgar Cayce book that I’d bought a few years ago, but never got around to reading. The opening story was about a man who had died for three days, woke up when his autopsy was about to be performed on him and lived to tell his stories of what he encountered in Heaven.  He described a huge beautiful light, which was God, but that within that light there were many more lights and that they each had their own intelligence. He spent time with the main light, “God” and enjoyed visiting with other Lights. Two he enjoyed spending the most time with were light Entities who identified themselves as “Wisdom” and “Knowledge.” 

I put the book down and could have actually passed out. My brain couldn’t believe what I had just read. “This $hit is real.” I thought to myself, as I froze. My husband, who at the moment I write this doesn’t “believe in all of this” looked over at me and immediately asked me what was wrong. I said, “I might pass out. I can’t believe this.” I explained what happened and he too seemed bewildered. I sat for a few minutes, thinking, “this is bigger than us. This work. It’s for everyone to get the information.”

I caught my breath and continued reading. The author of the book went on to quote from the Book of Enoch, a book that was removed from the Bible. The author quotes “Wisdom & Knowledge are divine intelligences- angels- whose influence is learned in the schools of mysticism, while the actual source of wisdom remains in the realms of the unseen: Wisdom & Knowledge went forth to dwell among the sons of men, but they obtained not a habitation. Wisdom & knowledge returned to her places, and seated her selves in the midst of angels…” (the Book of Enoch 42:2)"

So, Beloved Soul reading this…Laura and I are not making this stuff up. Magic is real. God is real. Angels are real. You have magic within you. You ARE magic. One simply must remember.  

Release Strong Emotions

To hold on to strong negative emotions is to cause them to manifest into physical ailments.

October 21, 2018

Power in Numbers, in the Collective

There's power in numbers...the collective consciousness can change the nation...change the world and beyond...we don't have a clue what we're capable of, but it's time to remember and apply these certain truths XOXO

October 20, 2018

We see challenges as difficult. In "heaven" everything is perfect. We feel only joy and perfection. We come into the physical world to experience everything, even painful challenges. Take deep breaths, relax and understand that you have a Divine Team working along with you. They will help you through the challenges, and help you work through the pain.

October 17, 2018

What you believe, you take with you upon taking your last breath. Letting go of things that do not serve you, not only serves you in your physical life, but also serves the development of your soul in the afterlife.

October 16, 2018

A Message from the Higher Self!  You are worthy of all good things!

October 14, 2018

Remember How to Choose...

Remember who you are and your mission here. Don't get bogged down with the little distractors that try to interfere with what you truly know to be your purpose. Never forget the Ego - while it does serve it's own purpose, it also has a tendency to take control over your better self, deterring you from giving yourself the self-love and encouragement that you need and should be providing for yourself on a daily basis. This ego will make you feel disconnected, isolated, alone, and forgetful of that deep understanding of what really it, the true reality - that we are all connected, that we need not rush around like chickens with our heads cut off to meet deadlines, please others, or desperately pursue useless ventures for the sake of achievement, image, or pats on the back. You are here to allow. You are here to flow. You are here to pursue that which pulls to you, excites you, and helps you breathe clearly and sleep easy. You're on a path that has long existed and will veer onto many pre-existing future paths based on your choices, so make sure your choices are made from the heart, with self love (which is not selfish), and that feel timely and right. HINT: If a choice needs to be made, is pushing for a deadline, and you don't feel quite certain...it is usually not the right choice. The right choices for the better paths always present themselves at the most opportune moments. It may not always feel easy, but it will always feel right.

October 13, 2018

Go with the Flow, Worrying does Nothing

This message speaks to the new earth and how many of us are experiencing various, different realities. Some of you may have heard of the mandala effect, in which things from the past have been altered (aka, you have switched to a timeline more suited to your vibration), so subtlety that most go along with it, but those who are awake an waking up are becoming more aware of these differences. The bottom line is, your soul has a path, a mission, a journey of its own based on timeless experiences beyond the scope of human understanding. So to worry about what has happened, such as past "mistakes", or what will be...rather, try focusing on being in the present moment and trust that your soul and the loving energies guiding you through your universal walk, have things under control. Letting go of worry is a form of letting go of control, allowing for a 
smoother, more peaceful existence.
~Nebula Knowledge

October 9, 2018

Love is of the Utmost Importance

During the session, the entities coming forth, from the Higher Self, to the All, to the ET Collective, all stressed how being in a state of love and sending loving energy is of the UTMOST IMPORTANCE at this time, for lightworkers, yes, but also for anyone who understands what it is to do this. Sending love even to your enemies is the greatest thing we can be doing, because it raises the vibration of their soul, should their soul happen to be of lower vibrations. It is taking the higher road. How easy it is for our human senses to react with the desire to think poorly of those who misbehave or make mistakes in our eyes, but that is only sending low energy to an already lower-energy soul and therefore only fuel to their righteousness in that lower state of being. Make your presence on earth, in this lifetime, one that brings light, love, and higher states of realization to the world. This is heroic. This is your mission.

Be a funnel of Love.
~Nebula Knowledge FB @NebulaSisters

October 7, 2018

Latest Channeled Messages from the Source of All

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We have a whole lots more coming, so stand by!
~Nebula Sisters