October 9, 2018

Love is of the Utmost Importance

During the session, the entities coming forth, from the Higher Self, to the All, to the ET Collective, all stressed how being in a state of love and sending loving energy is of the UTMOST IMPORTANCE at this time, for lightworkers, yes, but also for anyone who understands what it is to do this. Sending love even to your enemies is the greatest thing we can be doing, because it raises the vibration of their soul, should their soul happen to be of lower vibrations. It is taking the higher road. How easy it is for our human senses to react with the desire to think poorly of those who misbehave or make mistakes in our eyes, but that is only sending low energy to an already lower-energy soul and therefore only fuel to their righteousness in that lower state of being. Make your presence on earth, in this lifetime, one that brings light, love, and higher states of realization to the world. This is heroic. This is your mission.

Be a funnel of Love.
~Nebula Knowledge FB @NebulaSisters

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