October 30, 2018

The Day The Soul Chooses To Leave....

I so love that this message came through in channeling, because so many times, with my gift of clairaudience, I hear the loved ones of people just trying to let them know that everything happened as it was meant to. So many times we harbor on "what could I have done?" "Maybe if I answered the phone," or "maybe if I stopped in to say hello..." We can eat ourselves alive with these "what-ifs." You must understand each soul has a journey. The day that soul chooses to return to God is a blessed day, no matter how it happens.  And yes, it was always a choice of that soul. To us, here on Earth, we perceive death as a bad thing. We miss their human bodies, but in truth there is no greater state to be in, than back in the spiritual realm of Heaven. This is the painful place. This is where we face "challenges" and feel "pain" and "do bad things," this is where the action is. Upon taking our last breath we return to the state of pure joy- where ONLY love and joy resides. Please sit in that- the knowing of the journey, the timing and the continuation of the perfect soul.

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