January 23, 2019

Nothing is wasted. Every part of us is returned to the earth, to be used once more, in the endless cycle of life.

January 17, 2019

Ground Yourself So You Can Better Hear

When you still yourself and do not filter the information that comes to you, you can better connect to Mama Earth, to the All, to each other. You belong to each other, no matter the vibration of another. Everything is connected, yes even neighboring Galaxies are connected to that which runs through your veins. Still yourself by grounding yourself, so that you too, can better hear All that runs through all of existence. You are each sacred souls, love each other as such.

January 14, 2019

We are made up of the same "stuff" as Mama Earth...we have the same minerals, vitamins, elements. We cannot exist separate from Her. We are of Her and upon our last breath, we return to Her. To be recycled to help make room for new growth and new life. We and Mama Earth- we belong to each other. 
*wisdom that came through during our session where we channelled Mama Earth. Who felt giant and oh so loving and joyful!!!