November 17, 2018

Our Connection

Sometimes, we feel disconnected...and it is because we come into this human meat suit of a shell forgetting that we all stem from the same loving Source. When we can remember this, through practices such as meditation and mindful thinking, we gift ourselves the memory of what we truly are a part of; and though we may feel "alone", a single individual human, we in actuality hold all the qualities, gifts, and energies from the All from which we are still linked to...

November 5, 2018

When You Decide To Finally Do The Thing...

When you make a "right" choice, the "blocks" that come up aren't God telling you that you made the wrong choice, or trying to re-direct your path. It's the natural law of "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." You must see it for what it is, overcome the faux-obstacle and keep on following your heart compass!!

November 3, 2018

Emotions, Thoughts, and Grounding

Have you heard of these recent experiments in schools mostly, where children take two plants, and to one they send loving and kind thoughts and words, to the other is negative and cruel. It's been found that the negatively treated plants will wither and die, whereas the positively treated plants thrive. These are mirrors of our human beings. However, note the Higher Self says that if these plants were rooted to the Earth, they would not die. It is the same concept you hear of forest bathing or grounding. Imagine if we are plants and we make our way to become "rooted" to the earth at least once a day...heck, once a week. What a difference that would make.

November 2, 2018

Send Love To Your Enemies

This message comes from a channeling session. To send love to your enemies speaks to the strength and purity of your character. Send love always. Why add to the negativity? Send love and remember that love doesn't stay here. It reverberates through all dimensions of existence.